When 3M predicted that there will be a call for separate Mumbai after to the terror attacks, one of the readers of this blog rubbished the idea as presumptuous! Yesterday Lord Meghnad Desai, the celebrated economist, pushed for “Statehood for Bombay” in Indian Express. His regular column is called “Out of Mind” and true to that name one of his suggestions to counter terror was that Mumbai should be called Bombay again!
This is the YOU-BLOODY-GHATIS-CANT-RULE-BOMBAY syndrome that a section of the “elite Bombayites” suffers from!
This is the YOU-BLOODY-GHATIS-CANT-RULE-BOMBAY syndrome that a section of the “elite Bombayites” suffers from!
Tukaramsaheb, Salaam...
Mr. Lord Desai, when you left this country, it was more 'Mumbai' than 'Bombay'! U have conviniently forgotton some truths. I am ashamed that person of your calibre can think at this level!
Is seperate statehood going to solve problems of all Mumbaikars? Do we expect to become world class city just after becoming new state? If that is the case then all these so many states should not have been in trouble!
If this great 'economist' thinks that seperating cities from states would make them world class or change the status to better city, then we must seperate all big cities. Lets test this man's knowledge!
Remember but.....last time there were only 101 martyres, this time there will be many more which you can not think of and rest will make sure that people like you should not stay in 'OUR' city!
murkha tu nakki marathi aahes kaa
pakdu mara yhala
kon murkha? Desai ki Amit ki blogger?
obviously Meghnad Desai!
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