3M is reminded of the ‘Marathi Patya’ issue which raged 6 months ago… Be rest assured that MNS will soon jump in the fray to convert ‘non-compliers’ into ‘compliers’!
A blog that captures the happenings in Maharashtra and rest of the Marathi World (Bruhanmaharashtra) through the eyes of a 3M – Madhyamvargiya Marathi Manoos (Middleclass Marathi Man). Neither is it a view of the anglicized minority which has lost touch with its roots... nor does it speak for the Marathi masses who may lack the “worldview”. Just a somewhere-in-between viewpoint… but a firm viewpoint indeed!
Most Indian politicians and bureaucrats have scant regard for architectural heritage… but Jairaj Pathak takes the cake! He has made the most ridiculous statement on ‘Heritage Buildings’… “What use is a heritage building if not even 10 people visit it?” Mr. Pathak… you are better off joining Taliban, the Bamiyan Buddha Destroyers!
Crawford Market (Designed by Rudyard Kipling’s father) is one of the enduring legacies of Mumbai and some stupid bureaucrat can’t just ruin it to suit the interests of the builder lobby. 3M requests each and every Mumbaikar to protest against this decision... Thankfully the local MP (Milind Deora) has voiced his support for conservation of this heritage structure!
After the incident Chavan declares that the Maratha reservation issue will be resolved within a week! Mr. Chavan… please show us you magic wand and say ‘abracdabra’…
Raj Thackeray criticized Lalu Yadav for starting 2 more trains from UP and Bihar to Maharashtra… when we already have 17 trains plying between Mumbai and Bihar!
3M remembers that few years back Goans had fought tooth and nail to cancel a proposed train from Bihar to Madgaon... but Lalu's might prevailed!
In case you think that 3M has gone bonkers... hold your horses! This is the hilarious logic of Hindu Jagruti Manch.... for more entertainment please click here. BTW has HJM taken copyright from Pramod Muthalik on such views?
Mr. Pathak... please spare us the torture of seeing these phunni Patya!
Recently, a team of biologists has discovered 12 new species of frogs in this region. This discovery once again exposes the crying need for a joint policy across these 5 states to conserve the biodiversity of this endangered region.