Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Balkadu Trailer बाळकडू एक झलक

Watched the trailer of Balkadu... and it certainly does not look like movie "based on the life of Balasaheb Thackeray" as was being touted... but more on the "asmita" instilled in Marathi Manoos by him. Let's hope it is not just a rabble rouser but in the league of "Mee Shivajiraje Bhosale Boltoy" that helped 3Ms to introspect why have they reached this situation!

3Mpedia for the uninitiated: 'Balkadu' is a traditional ayurvedic medicine given to toddlers to improve their digestion. It is also an metaphor in Marathi for values instilled in your formative years. Here it is an intended pun as "Bal" also refers to Balasaheb!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Everything comes from Maharashtra!

3M loves to highlight the "Marathi Touch" in the most unexpected places in this world by giving examples like Castles in London and "South Indian" Sambhar to a quaint Bengali Palace and the Malaysian Railways

Anil, my ex-boss would always tease me that I sound like the “Everything comes from India” guy in the British serial 'Goodness Gracious Me'… luckily found the entire compilation of this guy’s scenes on YouTube… enjoy!!!

SPECIAL NOTE FOR ANIL - Please do not forget that 7 out of 16 "Makers of Modern India" are Marathi ;-)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

जास्तीची Majority - Ads that "fight" communalism

In the last few months, 3M came across a few ads created to fight communalism... do watch all of them carefully to find out what is in common!

Did u see a trend? No?
Hint: Find out who is the "Wrongdoer" in each of the ads - Barber, Neighbourhood Uncle & the Grandfather (Tauji)
No? All are "Majority"!
Would love to see an Indian ad that shows vice versa!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Raj Thackeray's Girgaon Sabha 11 April 2014

Instead of focusing on the typical issues in the Lok Sabha Elections, Raj Thackeray highlights the crying need for conservation of architectural and cultural heritage of Girgaon in South Mumbai... and also mentions 3M in it! 


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