A blog that captures the happenings in Maharashtra and rest of the Marathi World (Bruhanmaharashtra) through the eyes of a 3M – Madhyamvargiya Marathi Manoos (Middleclass Marathi Man). Neither is it a view of the anglicized minority which has lost touch with its roots... nor does it speak for the Marathi masses who may lack the “worldview”. Just a somewhere-in-between viewpoint… but a firm viewpoint indeed!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
HDFC Sec in Marathi
HDFC Securities sent me an SMS that I can "buy and sell shares in Marathi"... Wondering if they actually segregated all the Marathi people to send the SMS or was it sent to all their customers?
What if Jaya Bachchan happens to be their customer?
Monday, September 29, 2008
1 more Bomb Blast - Malegaon this time
Sunday, September 28, 2008
“Down with Dow” say Warkaris
The reason - Dow Chemicals is putting up a plant at Chakan not very far from Dehu – the birthplace of Sant Tukaram. The plant is spread over 100 Acres with an investment of over Rs. 300 Crores. Dow claims that this project will be used for research only and they will not manufacture anything here. So what’s the problem?
This project has been shunted from some first world countries and then from Korea. The Warkaris believe that this project will do irreparable damage to the local ecosystem that includes the revered Indrayani River. The fact that Dow Chemicals has a Dirty History (including its subsidiary Union Carbide's Bhopal Gas Tragedy, India’s worst industrial disaster) certainly does not help in building public opinion in favour of the project.
The protests, which started of in a peaceful manner, have started taking violent turn. As more and more political parties have started supporting the Warkaris, the Maharashtra Government has finally asked Dow Chemicals to halt the work.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Maharashtra’s Capital Vs India’s Financial Capital
The Marathi-Hindi Controversy is essentially fuelled because 2 sets of people look upon the city as two different entities. The Marathi manoos sees it as Mumbai, the capital of Maharashtra while the non-Marathis see this as Bombay, the financial capital of India.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Pa"War" against reservation
Surprisingly, this week Sharad Pawar, the strongest Maratha Politician, has shot down the idea saying that he will not support "snatching away the morsel from the needy"!
3M wonders - Marathas constitute 33% of the Maharashtra's population... Already 45% of the population is benefitting from reservation... So who is left?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Toofan aur Diya
Incidently, I have been to the restaurant 5 times and never got a discount. We spoke to the waiter in Marathi... but most of them have a Nepali accent and can't speak Marathi! Once Dr. Suhas Awchat did meet me and my wife at Goa Portuguesa (their sister concern) and said that the discount is applicable if we can sing a Marathi song or compose a उखाणा (A kind of Marathi Limerick). As neither of us have a poetic bent of mind, we had to pay the full price! He said that this was his way of promoting Marathi culture. I think Media is again unnecessarily fueling the Marathi-Hindi clash!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Now, Dutondi (Double Speaking) MNS Leaders
IBN Lokmat had a very interesting “investigative report”… They checked out the nameplates of different MNS leaders. Surprisingly, 3 leaders (Shishir Shinde and 2 others) had English nameplates instead of Marathi Patya.
Guys… practice what you preach!
After Hindi, it’s “Chini” for Raj!
In Vidarbha, Thackeray lambasted the industrialization that has failed to give employment to local people but has attracted “outsiders”. Surprisingly, this time the “outsiders” are really outsiders. Wardha Power Project by KSK Ventures has given a contract to a Chinese company called SEDC. Usually in such projects the top management and engineers are Chinese while the labour is from the local area. But in this particular project even the bricklayers and the grass cutters are Chinese! Though the local media has been vociferous about the issue, no political party was ready to take it up. Thackeray obviously saw the potential and has raised the anti-Chinese banner. Whether this translates into votes next year is a question that only time will answer.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Forgotten Hero
For writing 3 "antinational" articles in his newspaper, Kesari, Tilak was sentenced to 6 Years of imprisonment in Mandalay Jail in Burma – now Mynamar. Today is the centenary anniversary of this event । Ideally, either the Indian Government or at least the Maharashtra Government should have marked the occasion with some event in Mandalay. The least they can do is to keep a small memorial meeting in room number 46 of Mumbai High Court where his famous response to the verdict can still be seen on the walls - "In spite of the verdict of the Jury, I maintain that I am innocent। There are higher powers that rule the destiny of men and nations and it may be the will of providence that the cause which I represent may prosper more by my suffering than my remaining free".
Sadly, we have forgotten the founding fathers of Modern India!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Farmers take on the Ambani might
The voting took place yesterday but the media reports seem to contradict each other. While Times of India reported that 6199 out of 30057 people have cast their vote, Loksatta reported that 85% people made it to the booths. This can probably be explained by the statement of the Raigad Collector, Nipun Vinayak "It does not mean that nearly 24,000 account holders did not submit their opinion. When it comes to agricultural land, one person may hold more than three to four accounts. Therefore, the exact number of farmers who have made their decision clear will only be known later"
आर आर आबा, आता तरी थांबा
3M wonders- The title seems to have a pun. The state's Dy CM, R R Patil, is popularly called "Aba"
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Maratha “Pirate” in Hollywood
One of the characters in Pirates of the Caribbean – at World's End (2007) is called Sumbhajee Angria based on Sambhaji Angre, son of Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre, the real life commander of the Maratha Navy.
3M Trivia - Kanhoji Angre's Maratha Armar (Naval Fleet) held sway over Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Dutch ships from Mallacca and Bali had to pay toll to pass through the Andaman Sea.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Maharashtrian vs Marathi vs Maratha
Maharashtrian – Any one whose family has settled down for a few generations in the current state of Maharashtra
Marathi – People who claim Marathi language as their mother tongue
Maratha – A caste of Kshatriyas mostly concentrated on the central Deccan Plateau
Let's take 7 examples to prove this point…

Maharashtrian – No
Marathi - No
Maratha - No

Maharashtrian – Yes
Marathi - No
Maratha - No

Maharashtrian – No
Marathi - Yes
Maratha – No

Maharashtrian – No
Marathi - No
Maratha - Yes

Maharashtrian – No
Marathi - Yes
Maratha - Yes

Maharashtrian – Yes
Marathi - Yes
Maratha – No

Maharashtrian – Yes
Marathi - Yes
Maratha - Yes
Hope this clears the air!
Friday, September 19, 2008
What's Hot? (TOI Supplement) - Cold shoulder to Marathi Nataks
Speaking of Theatre, today's Edition has given details of 11 Plays... 3 English, 5 Gujarati, 3 Hindi... but no Marathi play! Those who are aware of the theatre scene in India know that Marathi theatre is very well developed and has a very strong tradition. (Only Bengali theatre tradition matches it.) My guess would be that at any given time there are more Marathi plays running in Mumbai than all other languages put together. So I picked up the copy of Loksatta (A Marathi Daily) to see how many Marathi plays are running in the city. You might be astonished to know that more than 20 Marathi play ads were there in the newspaper!
Is MNS Listening?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
अटकच्या शोधात (In search of Atak)
There is an idiom in Marathi – अटकेपार झेंडा रोवणे… literally “Taking the flag beyond Atak”. Figuratively it means one has pushed oneself to achieve the impossible. Atak was the northernmost town in the Maratha Empire when it was at its zenith in the mid 18th Century. The fact that a Hindu power from the Deccan could hold sway at the foothills of Himalayas was unthinkable at the start of that century.
History Book Map
Atak Fort
Maratha Flag
3M Trivia - a letter from the Peshwa to Chhatrapati of Satara has a line - काबुल अणि कंधार आपलेच परगणे आहेत... "Kabul and Kandhar are our provinces"!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
In defence of the Marathi manoos by Saisuresh Sivaswamy
View of a non-Marathi Mumbaikar on the issue...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Maharashtra's Biggest Cultural Export - Sarvajanik Ganesh Utsav
Arguably the most famous export of Marathi Culture is the Sarvajanik Ganesh Utsav. Earlier it was restricted to areas outside Maharashtra where Marathi speaking population was sizeable like Hyderabad, Indore and Vadodara. But in the last decade, this frenzy has reached all corners of India… from Kerala to Assam. In fact the visarjan scene in Allahabad was big enough to attract a TV report!
Gangadhar Gadgil passes away
Salute to a man who wore many hats with equal ease… Literary Giant… Academician… Economist!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Marathi Patya
Interestingly, when you apply for the renewal of a shop license in Maharashtra, this rule is the first thing that is printed on the form. So why do government officials renew the licenses of non-complying shops? The argument given by some people was that Mumbai is an “international” city… and we need to maintain an “international look”! But even Beijing, Athens and Bangkok are “Intenational Cities” and they are not apologetic about their language… So why should we be ashamed of our language?
P.S. I was pleasantly surprised to see the Vodafone Logo in Marathi… something that I had not seen for its predecessors - Hutch and Orange!
Belgaum in Maharashtra?
If Karnataka Rakshana Vedike gets wind of this, I see another controversy brewing!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
From Mills to Malls
Marathi Manoos is inherently not entrepreneurial in nature. Obviously business in Maharastra is mostly run by non-Marathi people. A typical Marathi person would like to have a safe job and lead a "happy middle-class" life. Maharashtrians seem to believe in the age old Santavaani “Thevile Anante taishechi rahave”… Be happy with what you have, don’t crave for more. In the days of the yore, cotton mills employed a large Marathi population. Now these mills have been replaced with malls and most of the employees are still Marathi! In the new world order, these are the safe jobs.
More the things change… more they remain the same.
Cub roars louder than the Tiger!
In the post Bal Thackeray Era, Raj will just walk over and take control of Shiv Sena from the weaker cub. Power is never given... it is snatched. Chandra Babu snatched it from Laxmi Parvati and Jayalalitha from Janaki when the patriachs of their respective parties were no more or were weakened.
I see that happening sooner than later!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Mumbai Konachya Baapachi?

Toh kya aap ki property hai?