Recently we had the pleasure of celebrating
the “Sahastra Chandra Darshan” सहस्त्रचंद्रदर्शन (SCD) of our uncle whom we lovingly call “Bhausaheb”.
When 3M uploaded this image on Facebook, quite a few friends asked “How do you
calculate the exact date for this ceremony?”. A Google search will tell you
that it is celebrated sometime after a person's 80th birthday… but that’s
not really helpful!
First let us understand what SCD is all
about! In ancient India, life expectancy of an individual was about 30 years.
Hence anybody who crosses the age of 60 years was considered “Deerghayu” –
person with longevity! So at each stage of life starting from the 60th
year, you have celebrations to cheer his/ her long life. One of these is SCD -
a ceremony to celebrate the 1000th full moon in a person’s life.
Gautam Buddha is supposed to have lived up to his 1000th full moon.
Recently, this ceremony got publicity due to felicitations of Atal BihariVajpayee (2005), Satya Sai Baba (2008) & Lata Mangeshkar (2010)!